Soon I Will Be Invincible
I just didn't apply myself to the task. Doctor Impossible never gave up, not after twelve thwarted attempts to take over the world. That's his thing, after all - he's an evil genius, or a sufferer from Malign Hypercognition Disorder to give it the medical term. He battles heroes from all times and places, never once forgetting to taunt them theatrically.
Grossman's love for comic-book superheroes and villains shines through in this book. You can't lampoon a genre so thoroughly without being a fan. If you've ever read a comic, seen one of the marvel films, or just like to wear tights, you'll enjoy this book. Me, I'm using it as a blueprint for my plans to take over the world. You'll rue the day you ever crossed paths with me. You shall all kneel before me, or I will destroy the sun! Mwuhahahahahahahaaaaaaa!
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