
Showing posts from November, 2009

Things I have done instead of starting NaNoWriMo

I've made a list of things I need before I can start writing properly: * a coffee * a nicer chair * a nicer desk * a laptop, so that I can work at a different desk * a different word processor * different music to listen to, music that's more "writer-y" * another coffee * a biscuit * a plot * some talent * command of the English language I've suddenly found all manner of interesting things that need investigating on the internet: * ABC's iView, never needed to look at it before, but now... * what my Flickr contacts have been up to * their favourite photos * their favourite's favourites... * places one can buy obscure British sci-fi in Australia * a review (with spoilers) of the next Dr Who episode * articles about vaccination and dodgy science * the NaNoWriMo website ( ) * articles about strategies for avoiding procrastination * people twittering about Hallowe'en costumes * other people twittering about NaNoWriMo and how they...