GORDON: so, you little fucker, what the fuck do you call this fucking stuff then? ME: cheesy rice. GORDON : I'll tell you what it fucking is, fucker, it's fucking risotto, you fucking fuck. If someone served that to me in a restaurant, do you fucking know what I'd fucking do? ME: erm... Eat it? GORDON : too fucking right I fucking would. It's the fucking dog's fucking bollocks. You're a fucking genius, what's the fucking secret, you fuckmaster-general? ME: you have to put loads of cheese in, otherwise the kids won't eat it. GORDON : that's fucking inspirational, that is. Brings a fucking tear to my fucking eye. I'm going to open a new fucking restaurant, it's going to be fucking called "fucking cheese". Cheese in fucking everything. Cheese and chips, cheese and steak, cheese au gratin, lobster cheesidor, medallions du fromage avec du fucking fromage et dans une sauce de fromage. You fucking beauty. Oi, Oliver - come here you fat-ton...